

这次回来又瘦了,看来她是要逼我将她的标识改瘦一点,因为我说过胖胖的标识跟她很相称,嘻!嗯··· 让我考虑考虑一下吧!:p

最大的惊讶呢··· 还是不说了,我怕有报应。呵呵!


晚宴结束后一大班跑去Kopi Tiam喝茶,二十多三十人几乎把半间店挤满了,竟不够椅子给我们坐,差到死。



4 条评论:

Just .. JesS 说...

so touching when reading your blog. totally agreed with you that we did enjoy a very good time in CNY but please please don't call me 'sui po' as i not intend to hide from you, just delay to inform you ma.

Thanks as well to accompany all the time during CNY, but let you disappointed that I'm not drunk even after 4 bottle of 'essence'. You guys better train up before can beat the ladies lo =)

i miss CNY too, and important my lovely ever frens in hometown. really happy to meet you all since we graduated from secondary, ummm .... it was 9 yrs lo.

by the way, thanks for bringing Mei Yee, my lovely and prettiest jiu mui coming to join us. she is truly a nice and fun gal, sad that cant shared too much time with her. dunno how was her balibali holiday ler. so jealous her la

hey, please dont keep saying about the 'surprise', you may get the results one day ler .....

stop here la, suddenly feel that i like write my own blog rather than comment on yours one =)


xianglooi 说...

Oh ya... another "surprise" is both of u so fast become ji mui... hehe...
miss u all so much..
waiting to see ur blog ya... :-)

andersonloo 说...

I just thinking should I write English here or not coz the above people commented in English and not Chinese, hahaha....

40 People! Walauyeh... really many people leh! But is not just from 1 class, right?

xianglooi 说...

Yup... 2 classes, and some are friend's friends... actually consider less already... our 1st target is 100 ppl and organize a ball nite one.. but then only got around 70 ppl join... after that drop to around 30 ppl when collect money. Finally last minute got few ppl join... so become around 40 ppl... haha.. just like share market...